Within the ICE system, an entry corresponds to a biological part. To create entries one at a time, click on the Create Entry button. This expands to show the various entry format types that ICE supports (Strain, Plasmid, Part, Arabidopsis). Select the type of entry you wish to create and you will be presented with a form peculiar to the selected entry type. Fields which are required are indicated with a red asterisk (*) and represent the minimum amount of information that needs to be entered. Fill as much information as you have about the entry. Some fields have autocomplete functionality to assist with filling out the form more easily. Other fields have a green plus (+) icon following the input box. You can click on this icon to create another input box in which you can add an additional value. To remove extra input boxes, click on the minus (-) icon at the end of the input box. For more details about the fields, see Description of all fields.
To associate a sequence with the entry, locate the “Sequence” section of the input form. Sequence information can be added using the Upload File or Paste Sequence options. By default the Upload File option is shown. Supported file formats for upload (and pasting) are GenBank, SBOL or Fasta. GenBank or SBOL is recommended since they have useful annotations and visualizations.
Click Submit to create the entry.
ICE supports organizing entries in a hierarchy (e.g. strain containing a plasmid which contains a number of parts). You can create this hierarchy at entry creation time by selecting Link To.